Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Super Easy DIY Play Kitchen Window

If I'm doing a DIY project, then it has to be easy peasy!  This DIY play kitchen window I made for my daughter was SUPER easy!

Supplies used:
old picture frame
ribbon to match frame
sky printed scrapbooking paper (I needed 2 pieces)
scotch tape

I started by taking an old picture frame and taping two pieces of ribbon to the bad of the frame to create window panes.

Then, I taped the two pieces of scrapbooking paper together to fit the size of the frame. 
Of course you might need to use more or less paper depending on the size of your frame.
Next, I taped the paper to the back of the frame.     

I hung the frame next to my daughter's play kitchen...super cute and easy!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Yummy paleo friendly breakfast!

I made a quick dinner last night, which consisted if grated cauliflower, garlic, and sliced chicken apple sausage. Just sauted with coconut oil for about 10 minutes and done! Yummy, easy, filling, and paleo friendly! 
This morning I decided to make a "fried rice" breakfast with the leftovers, and it was delish! I scrambled about 6 eggs, then threw in the cauliflower "rice" and sausage.  Tada!

Friday, April 25, 2014

happy DNA day!

In honor of my husband, who is a scientist in molecular genetics,


DNA Day is a holiday that commemorates the day in 1953 when James WatsonFrancis CrickMaurice WilkinsRosalind Franklin and colleagues published papers in the journal Nature on the structure of DNA. (source: wikipedia

Woo hoo for the double helix!

...and here's my brilliant husband at work! (He was recently recognized as an inventor for a method for quantifying fetal DNA in maternal plasma for non-invasive prenatal diagnostics. This will allow for testing for many genetic defects and anomalies that currently you have to wait well into the second trimester for testing and results! ...and Kaia and I got to be his guinea pigs in the process!)
photo courtesy of Roche Molecular Systems

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

start new blog. check.

Well hello blog world, we finally meet again! I abandoned my former blog, I guess mainly because life got busy (busier) and there just wasn't time for it...or better yet, I didn't make the time for it.

I recently started reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, and one of the items I listed for myself on this happiness "journey" was to start up another blog...and so here I am!  I guess I have a lot to say and this is a perfect place for me to put it.  I love talking and writing about health and nutrition, fitness, travel, mommy stuff, baby stuff, marriage, wine.  I'm always on the go and so is my little baby girl, so we'll see how this turns out!  I'm excited to share again with the world!

I'll share a little something I posted today on my social media sites.  I came across this quote from Hippocrates...and I just LOVED IT!

"Let food be thy medicine."

I can't begin to explain how much I love this quote and how this encompasses so many aspects of my life right now.  For most of my adult life, I've maintained a healthy lifestyle and diet.  However, since the birth of my daughter, I've taken my family's nutrition to another level, questioning everything that we put into our bodies...things I've put in mine for years!  And I thought I was being healthy before???  I'll get into details later, but I guess this is just a good starting point for my blog and the direction I want to go in.  I saw this quote as I was waiting for my oh so yummy acai bowl.  I know that food can heal in many ways, and I have a feeling this quote will stick with me for a very long time.
monkey bowl from Acai Me in Danville